the equestrian comparison site

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Who we work with

Equine Compare works with many UK equestrian suppliers to help drive traffic to their sites and increase sales. We welcome the following suppliers to be part of this beneficial affiliation with Equine Compare (EC):

UK Equine Insurance Company
with a consumer website offering online quotes / prices.

UK Equestrian Retailer
online retailer offering national delivery.

"You can easily become an Equine Compare affiliate, and start driving equestrian buyers to your site. Affiliates have to do very little to become an EC affiliate and have so much to gain from such a risk free marketing activity."
Kelly Battye, EC Marketing Manager

Why affiliate with Equine Compare?

1. We will drive relevant traffic to your site, i.e. Equestrian consumers either researching with a view to buy or ready to buy.

2. The referrals from EC could substantially increase your sales. Over 51% of online shoppers use comparison sites.

3. Free branding presence on EC. We will display your logo and provide a company profile on the site.

4. We can help to promote your new product launches and special offers to help increase awareness and sales.

How does it work?

There is no contract to tie you in to our site and no set up fees. There is very little work required from you to join EC as an affiliate. Start by emailing us with a link to your website and we will call you back to discuss how we can help you.

In return for the benefits we will bring you, we ask you to provide feedback on the accuracy of the information we provide to the public on your behalf.

How much does it cost?

It is currently FREE to add your retail products to our listings and to use our affiliate scheme.

Equine insurance companies should contact us for more details.

An ongoing partnership

Once you are featured on Equine Compare, we will keep regular contact with you to ensure that your information is up to date. You will be given a login to our affiliates area which provides resources to help you promote your products or services. We will work alongside you to ensure that this is a mutually beneficial and long term relationship.


Please contact Kelly Battye, Marketing Manager for Equine Compare who will provide more information at [email protected]

Equine Compare is owned and managed by Head Start Design.

Use the Contact Us page if you would like to know more.

This website does not provide financial advice or recommend a particular supplier. Although we strive to keep the information up to date, we can not guarantee that all information is accurate. Always confirm accurracy by looking on the suppliers website.